Lead Paint Abatement & Removal for Syracuse Area Homes & Businesses

syracuse home improvement lead abatement contractor

– There are various methods to accomplish lead paint removal including liquid chemical-based paint removers as well as EPA-approved sanding and brushing methods. Our Syracuse lead paint removal contractor specialists can assess the painted surfaces under consideration and determine which is the best method of lead paint removal for any given home improvement or remodeling project.

Encapsulation – Encapsulation is a lead paint abatement technique that consists of painting over the old lead paint with an approved sealant. Encapsulation is a quick, easy, and less intrusive option, but if the area receives a relatively high volume of traffic, it is at best only a temporary solution that will eventually require actual lead paint removal.

Enclosure – Enclosure is yet another method of lead paint abatement that is applicable to both residential and commercial construction. Unlike encapsulation, enclosure involves sectioning off the area in question with drywall so the issue of lead paint is literally out of sight and sealed off.

Replacement– Sometimes, none of the above methods of lead paint abatement will adequately get the job done and remove the hazard. Replacement is the most extreme method of lead paint abatement and removal that involves completely removing and replacing the contaminated area with completely new interior wall construction, thereby ensuring the area is completely and finally lead-free.

Syracuse Home Improvement & Remediation Experts

The Syracuse home improvement and renovation experts at Empire State Professionals are here to assist you, whether you are purchasing an existing home that may have possible environmental concerns, planning a home improvement remodel or renovation, or experiencing a fire, water, or other structural property damage. We serve the Syracuse, New York and surrounding areas with remodeling and restoration, lead abatement and remediation, and general contracting. Contact us today, and we will go over your project in detail with you and provide the best and most appropriate solution to meet your needs.